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Who do you need on your team when building your brand?

Brand Management Internal branding

Building a brand is not done overnight. It calls for comprehensive work that demands both resources and precision. If you’re sloppy you will probably lose against your competitors in the battle for the better market position.

But who should you include when building your brand?

Brand building is not a one-man-show

Let one thing be clear: Building a brand should not be done by one person alone. It takes more than one great mind to establish a strong brand.

And these minds are the employees in your company. They are a resourceful channel and an essential connection between the company and your market. How they live and breathe your brand every day has a big impact on your brand strategy and consequently important assets to include in your brand building team.

Also read: Build a home for your brand with BrandMaster

Remember, a brand does not sell itself. The collected sum of all brand and marketing activities you initiate is just as important. A brand is the reputation you establish and the associations your market connects with your company and product. Perceptions that are created by the market. Maybe you have heard the saying that it is not you who owns the brand, but your customers. Therefore, all the more reasons why you need all employees included in your brand building to match the market expectations.

The short answer to the title of this articles: Everyone in your company should be on your brand building team. The in-depth conclusion however calls for more? Because is it enough with the employees?

Guide to internal branding processes

Bring technology to your team

You are well on your way when you have your employees on your team. If you include technology in the equation you are even further. You need structure and order – or as we like to call it: You need a provider that ensures seamless working processes. Your employees are with you, now make sure you have the right tools to execute as you desire. A proper brand management platform is key. Most brands face multiple challenges in technology development: Continuous optimalization of the brand, ensuring brand guidelines are respected and presentation and delivery requires constant analyses – And on repeat to elevate the brand building.

If you are stuck with x amount of Excel sheets and documents and have marketing collateral and assets stored all over the place, then you can forget about consistent branding. And it will be difficult including your employees for a rock-solid team effort.

Also read: This is how you implement a brand management system.

Keep up with time, go online!

A tool or a system is in our opinion the minimum requirement if you really want to succeed with brand building. If that system is cloud-based, you are even closer to success. The option to work flexible and remote is something we have all needed during the COVID-19-pandemic. Those who have had to replace systems to work from home have experienced the benefits of always having access to the tools they need during their workday - regardless of location.

We often hear people say that they miss office time and socializing with colleagues. The fact is that only 12% wishes to return to the office full time, and as much as 72% wish for a more hybrid solution between the home and office. We have simply opened our eyes to this form of work and the advantages it provides.

Also read: Why design templates are essential for your business

For your brand it doesn’t just mean that the employees in your company can relate to your brand 24/7, it also means that they have constant access to updated brand assets and guidelines. With one system that is 100% available you ensure that your brand development is going in the right direction – Onwards and upwards.

Guide to internal branding processes