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Is your DAM letting you down?


«But isn’t DAM just a place where you store your files?», is a question we get asked quite often. And we get it. But the truth is, it’s so much more than that. Did you know that digital asset management (DAM) systems can actually drive the digital transformation in your company? For marketers, a modern and up to date DAM system can mean some exciting and profitable changes, if you have the right vision.

DAM – Just a place where you store your files?

Finding correct assets easily is of course an important part of having a DAM. And if you already have a system for this in place, you might think that you should settle for that – even if this system might be outdated in functionality. Because after all, you have a place where you can store and find your files, right?

Wrong. For marketers, assets aren’t just assets. They are a way to reach potential customers. In order to achieve this, the marketer needs more than static assets, they need the flexibility to create different marketing material from said assets. Presentations, brochures, ads, social media images, you name it. Allowing asset creation is a must have for modern marketers. So, if you have this in place, great. If you don’t, you should ask yourself if your DAM is providing what you need to keep up with the evolving marketing trends. Of course, storing the assets is the foundation of what you want to do, but you also want your colleagues to use these assets correctly when communicating with your potential customers. Not doing so could potentially damage your brand.

Digital Asset Management solution ebook

Next – can your system track the changes being made to the assets? Can you categorize the assets based on metadata and tags? Can you generate different sizes and file formats from the asset itself, so that you can truly operate in one place? Can you share your assets with both external and internal stakeholders with ease? Because this is what Digital Asset Management is truly about, securing a seamless workflow for your entire company, while giving the one responsible for the brand and its assets total control.

Also read: What is Digital Asset management

A DAM system for digital transformation

So how does this affect your company’s digital transformation? Easy. A proper DAM system will enable all employees to utilize your brand assets more efficiently. Marketing material is available from one location, and all employees can easily engage through better workflows. Simply put, you streamline internal workflows and establish a truly reliable system which will protect your brand and assets, more than what it is possible if you are only using a shared file server or an outdated DAM solution.

Also read: Are you digital enough for the future of marketing?

Ask yourself the question “Is your DAM letting you down?”

If you are still experiencing having to send files back and forth on email, your DAM is definitely letting you down. We have met with a lot of clients with outdated solutions that aren't really doing it for them anymore, but in fear of it ending up as a massive change process with a heavy implementation and investment, they leave it be. We are here to tell you that it doesn’t need to be an excessive process. Most DAM providers today have cloud based solutions where you can easily import all assets including their metadata, without it having to become a major project.

Take your time, research different DAM vendors, and take the step to digitally transform your marketing department.

Digital Asset Management solution ebook