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Elevate your branding with a brand asset management tool

Brand Asset Management

When it comes to branding the how’s varies equal to the number of brands that exists worldwide. Company structure, target groups, choice of channels and platforms, manpower and resources have an impact on how a company manage a brand. In other words, there is no single recipe that can stake out your path.

Nevertheless, in a digital world, there are digital tools you should know about and understand that can be of help, regardless of the branding processes internally and externally in your company.

Brand Asset Management is one of these things. Let’s have a look at how a brand asset management tool helps to boost your branding processes.

The power of a brand asset management tool

A brand asset management tool is an extension of a digital asset management system. A Digital Asset Management is the system that collects, and structures all type of files and documents that a company owns and has the need to share across the company. While Brand Asset Management is the system that organizes the brand.

In other words, all files related to the brand isn’t just available in an archive, it is also connected to brand guidelines, templates, communication and more. It simply connects your brand with available assets and puts theory into practise. It eliminates the risks of brand inconsistency and makes it easy for anyone to understand how to use and apply a brand. 

Also read: What is brand asset management?

But what are the benefits of such systems?

This is Brand Asset Management

Brand Asset Management elevates your branding processes 

Structure the brand guidelines

When your company communicates to the market, and internally, it is essential that the messages are consistent, unified, and well thought out. You have probably experienced circumstances where ambiguous messages have been given? Most likely you ended up confused and sensed a lack of planning and a proper strategy?

If your brand guidelines are disrespected, it can quickly damage both your company’s brand and reputation. Being brand police is a well-known challenge, especially for those responsible for the brand.

With the help of a proper system that allow you to collect all your company’s digital assets, structure all marketing activities while keeping the brand guidelines updated and available in one central location – you’ll quickly realize that your marketing workday will change for the better.

One factor that may harm your brand the most, is when employees constantly use brand assets and files that are outdated and not on brand. With a proper system you’ll be sure to gain complete control and secure brand consistency.

Also read: How to choose a system for your brand?

Secures your brand assets

Brand guidelines not being followed is one thing, complete chaos with everything related to the brand is another. To acquire control of brand assets you'll need a tool.

A tool that makes sure that you eliminate challenges like outdated content and assets in circulation, while keeping track of when, where and how your brand is being used. All of which takes you from chaos to order. And that tool is brand asset management. 

Never has it been easier to control both brand output and brand assets. With everything nicely connected in one single location, your colleagues don't have to second guess how to apply your brand, automation secures 100% accuracy. 

Also read: You know you need a brand management solution when..

Brand Asset Management saves you time and eliminates hidden costs

One of the most important factors when implementing new software and systems are user-friendliness, both for administrators and system users. It dosn't help having a super tool, if the back-end maintenance is giving you a headache. Neither is a new tool that is difficult to use a smart move if you want to ensure system usage. 

With the right tool at hand, brand asset management is a time and cost saver. Make sure you evaluate your future tool looking at both back-end and front-end features, and focus on usability and how it streamlines operations and reduces tasks that earlier drained resources

For more insight on brand asset management, check out our free whitepaper.

This is Brand Asset Management